Praying as Jews of Tomorrow 카테고리 없음2021. 1. 18. 03:19
작년에는 주기도문으로 기도하고 주기도문에 관한 책/설교들을 들었었다.
앞으로도 계속 기도하고 더 배워나갈 주기도문이다.
특히 1 월 6 일 사건 이후는 주기도문을 절로 기도하게 된다.
올해는 시편을 읽으며 기도를 배워보려한다. 시편은 꾸준히 계속 읽는편이긴 하다.
그런 노력의 일환으로 Walter Bruggermann 의 Praying the Psalms 라는 짧은 책을 읽었다.
챕터 4 Christians in "Jewish Territory" 에서 나온 "praying for, praying with, praying as Jews, As "Jews of Tomorrow" " 라는 표현이 새로웠다.
In the providence of God, we might be permitted (and required to) to pray as Jews (p52)
시편에 나온 Jewishness 의 다섯가지 특징을 짚는다. (p53 - p59)
1. The Psalms are awkward in their concreteness. ....
The imagery and speech is pointed and specific...Psalmic rhetoric is concrete about commandments and punishments, about angers, loves, and hopes. Such as way of prayer may be a trouble when we want to pray "in general" without focusing anywhere.... The Psalms are "embodied" prayers.
2. There is no or little slippage between what is thought/felt and what is said. ......
There is no mediation to "clean up," censor, or filter what is going on. This directness reflect a readiness to risk in an uncalculating way with this one "from whom no secret can be hid." ..
These are the prayers of the liberated, who in their freedom are able to speak in an artistic way without ornamentation....
These Psalms in their candor are on the one hand sung because the singers have been liberated. On the other hand, these very songs are an act of emancipation. The songs both reflect and accomplish liberation.....
Prayer stays very close to the realities of life in these poems.
3. The robustness and candor of the Psalms are especially evident in the articulation of hatred and anger.
4. But Israel is not able only to rage with abandon, Israel has equal passion for hope.....
Elie Wiesel, that most remarkable storyteller from the Holocaust, has said that what makes a Jew a Jew is the inability to quit hoping, Jewishness consists in "going on," in persisting, in hoping. ...
5. The practice of concreteness and candor, of anger, and hope, is carried out with exceeding passion in the Psalms.
1. The Psalms have a passion for the righteous, for the practitioners of God's vision for justice and peace.
2. The Psalms have a passion for the poor and needy, for those broken of spirit and heart. God's compassion is not toward an ethnic community nor those with a pedigree, but toward those in special need.
These elements also belong to the Jewishness of the Psalter... The Jewishness to which the Psalter calls us is not that of "yesterday's Jews" who rest on the faith of their parents (cf. Matthew 3:9), but on the "Jews of tomorrow who dare to believe God's concrete promises with passion...
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