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2023. 7. 31. 00:41

초보 reading on leadership 카테고리 없음2023. 7. 31. 00:41

평소 리더쉽 (Leadership) 에 크게 관심이 있는 편은 아닌데, 여러 사람들이 함께 일하는 작은 dental setting 에서도 리더쉽이 중요하다는 걸 느끼면서 몇 권의 책들을 훑어봤다.  Reading 에서 얻은 정보 몇 가지 정리.  Harvard business review 의 Must reads 시리즈 2-3 권을 읽었는데, 거기 나온 정보를 다른데서도 쉽게 찾을 수 있었음 (퍼 오기는 다른 website 에서 퍼옴)

1.  Six Goleman Leadership styles

(2, 3, 4, 6) 의 리더쉽 스타일이 positive culture 를 조성하고, 1 이나 5 의 리더쉽은 negative culture 가 될 가능성이 크다 함. 

Goleman Leadership Styles | Know The 6 Types of Leadership | Personio

What kind of a leadership style should you emulate? Find out – get to know the six Goleman leadership styles here.


1. Coercive Leadership Style

Commonly referred to as "directive" or “commanding” leadership, it’s best to use coercive leadership when you need to fix a problem quickly and effectively. For example, dealing with a difficult employee or ‘putting out a fire’ at work.

2. Authoritative Leadership Style

You may know this one as “visionary” leadership. Authoritative leaders give their team a general direction and goal to achieve, but let them reach that goal in whichever way they deem appropriate.

3. Affiliative Leadership Style

An affiliative leader is all about the people. They want to create a positive work environment for their team members and are big on giving praise. The downside, though, is that the team rarely receives actionable advice or correction, leaving team members feeling confused and leaderless.

4. Democratic Leadership Style

Under democratic leadership (also known as “participative” leadership), every team member has a valued voice that management genuinely wants to hear from. These workplaces are typically more flexible and collaborative, but that comes with a price: Longer, more frequent meetings to discuss everyone’s opinions and hash out ideas.

5. Pacesetting Leadership Style

If you’re a pacesetting leader, you walk the walk and talk the talk daily. You know the importance of setting a good example for your team and having high standards for the work they produce.

6. Coaching Leadership Style

Much like its name suggests, coaching leaders focus on the personal development of their team members, rather than just meeting work-related quotas or sales goals. They work one-on-one with their employees to achieve excellence, which works well for employees who are open to improvement.


2.  Leader 와 Manager 의 차이



3. Level 5 Leadership

Who exactly is a Level 5 leader? Collins describes Level 5 leader as Humility + Will = Level 5. They are the nurturing leaders who do not want credit but want success to sustain over a longer period of time, long after they are gone.
Level 5 leaders are modest, shy and fearless and possess the capability to transform an organization from good to great without portraying themselves as wizards with magic wands. They prefer talking about the company and the contribution of other people but rarely about their role or achievements.

Level 5 Leadership - Meaning and Concept

Level 5 Leadership We have always associated leadership with a very visible and popular role which gives you recognition and a larger than life status as a leader however the level 5 leadership proposes quite opposing characteristics of a successful leader




4. What distinguishes great leaders from merely good ones? Emontional Intelligence


Understanding EI's components_Daniel Goleman


Posted by pleasing2jc